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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia

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New students are admitted into the Graduate Program in Sociology every year. The edict regulating the admission process is issued in August or September, and 20 applicants are admitted as candidates for the Master’s Degree and 15 for the Doctoral Degree.

The edicts of the current admission process are available at Ingresso.

Edicts and results of previous admission processes

The edicts and results of previous admission processes were issued in Portuguese and are available at this directory.

International Students

The Graduate Program in Sociology admits international students through its own admission process as well as receives students that arrive through the Federal University of Ceará’s International Affairs Office (PROINTER).


The Graduate Program in Sociology has annual quotas of fellowships from the following governmental agencies:

  • CNPq — National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
  • CAPES — Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
  • FUNCAP — A Foundation from the State of Ceará for Scientific and Technological Development
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