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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia

Área do conteúdo

Leonardo Sá

Leonardo Sá is dedicated to the sociology of violence and conflict in interfaces with the anthropology of power relations and moralities. Currently, he is the executive coordinator of the Laboratory for the Study of Violence (LEV) and has a research productivity grant from CNPq with a project on the experience of mothers who have violently lost children in Northeast Brazil. He is venturing into new research on political and socio-environmental conflicts related to the management of water resources in Ceará, a partnership with colleagues in engineering in water resources and the environment. He likes the classroom very much, especially the disciplines of sociological and anthropological theory. He is also very fond of acting as a research advisor. Issues related to agency, subjectivity and networks are conceptual priorities in different research contexts. He is learning that doing methodological integration of mapping and quantification can yield good results. He is part of the network of NUAP (Nucleus of Anthropology of Politics) and CLACSO (WG Violences, security and resistance policies). He enjoys combining ethnographic fieldwork with various research techniques (statistics, in-depth interviews, discussion groups, archives, newspapers, internet, photography, etc.). He is vice-coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Sociology and is on the board of the Brazilian Society of Sociology (SBS).

E-mail: leonardo.sa@ufc.br

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5983-9132

Curriculum Vitae: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0430275226558223

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